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Staying Cool During the Summer Months


Staying Cool During the Summer MonthsAs gentle spring breezes give way to summer's scorching temps, many without air conditioning in Ohio will struggle to keep their homes cool. But all is not lost in the absence of central air. There are many simple, tried-and-true measures you can take to bring comfort back to the summer months.

Use your Windows Wisely

Open windows at night, paying particular attention to moving air through the home via cross breezes created by opposing windows and well-situated fans. During the day, if the air outside is hotter than the air inside, keep windows closed with shades and drapes drawn to block sunlight's heating effect.

Weather Stripping for the Win

We typically only consider insulation during the winter months, but inexpensive weather stripping can also prevent the loss of cool air around doors and windows. And you can apply it yourself in a matter of minutes! Updating attic and wall insulation might also be worth its weight in home-improvement headaches: it helps keeps the cool in during the summer, just as well as it keeps the cold out during the winter.

Timing is Everything

The hot summer months aren't the time to recreate the Great British Baking Show at home. Nothing undermines all your heat prevention methods faster than a hot oven. Opt for outdoor grilling and fresh summer menus. Save any necessary baking for cooler evening hours. The same goes for laundry: postpone dryer time for later in the evening or try some old-school line drying for enviably fresh linens.

Make Fans Work for You

Situate fans in the coolest parts of your house and angle them toward hotter areas; place them in front of open windows at night to forcefully circulate cooler air; and consider placing a wet sheet in front of open windows with a fan in front to further cool incoming breezes. Finally, set your ceiling fans to rotate counter-clockwise to push air down.

Manage Humidity

While dehumidifiers won't drop temperatures, they can mitigate the oppressive wet blanket of sticky air that descends on more humid areas during the summer months. Humidity decreases the rate at which sweat evaporates - the body's natural cooling process. Moderating humidity could mean all the difference between manageable and miserable summer months.

Replace Incandescent Bulbs

It may seem like the least of your worries, but old bulbs give off a lot of heat. Make the switch to LED or CFL (compact fluorescent lamps) to drop that heat hit to zero and save on your electric bill to boot.

Create Some Shade

Awnings over windows and porches can create shade where blazing sun might otherwise reign. Making your yard work for you by planting a tree, or several, may also be worth it. It may take a while to create enough cooling shade to significantly impact home temperatures, but mature landscaping adds beauty and value to your property in the process.

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