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At Home: Keeping Appliances in Check


Fire Safety: Keeping Appliances in CheckMost people rely on dozens of appliances to support their daily tasks and activities, including small but significant tools like alarm clocks or hairdryers; toasters and stand mixers; and heavy hitters like the dishwasher or washing machine. So, how do you keep your appliances running their best, and getting a good return for your investment by having them work for as many years as possible? Here are a few tips to improve the performance and longevity of appliances.

Keep them clean:

Whether we're talking about the coils on your refrigerator, the tray in your toaster or the filter in your dishwasher, it's important to keep your appliances clean and well maintained. This will not only extend their life, it will also help them to run more smoothly. In addition, keeping appliances clean and in good shape can help you to avoid dangerous accidents like a fire in your toaster oven. Make sure to change filters on the recommended schedule, and keep your appliances free of dust, grease and debris.

Read and follow the manual:

When you purchase an appliance that is user-friendly, reading the manual might seem unnecessary but don't overlook it. Your appliances may have limits for example, you don't want to overload your washer and dryer, or leave a heating pad unattended. Following the manufacturer's guidelines will ensure your safety and help to extend the life of the product.

Practice electrical safety:

It's a good idea to keep small appliances unplugged when not in use. It's also recommended that major appliances be plugged into separate outlets and don't use en extension cord. Check regularly for frayed cords, burn marks, or other signs that the appliance's wiring has gone bad. In these cases, it's usually safer to replace the appliance or get it professionally fixed.

When to replace an appliance:

Believe it or not, sometimes it actually will cost you more money and effort to hang onto an appliance than to simply get a new one. It's pretty obvious when an appliance has completely broken down and is no longer working. But you should also look for more subtle signs, as well as red flags for safety. If an appliance isn't doing its job that well your hair dryer is not getting quite as hot, or the food in the fridge doesn't seem to be as cold it might be time to have the appliance looked at or, if the consult is going to be more expensive, replaced. The other thing to look for are red flags: if an appliance is overheating, has a frayed cord, or is throwing sparks, don't risk it either get the appliance fixed, or throw it out.

For all of you home insurance questions, call or contact The Keenan Agency today.

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